Therefore, his representation showed the appreciation of that body as the only one capable of generating new life. Male fertility must not have had the importance that the patriarchy later attributed to it. It was like this until the new religions of shepherds turned an evident fact for all, that each person comes into the world from the womb of a woman, in a matter of faith difficult to prove and they violently transferred the authorship of life to the man: the woman comes from Adam's rib. Similarly, the once "sacred" evacuation of female blood during menstruation and childbirth became "impure" and was condemned to invisibility, while the masculine and warrior was placed on a pedestal.
The uncertainty of the present awaits urgent answers to the question of “how did it all start”. This is revealed by the great international success of books such as The Dawn of Everything: A New south africa phone number list History of Humanity . A new history of humanity], by David Graeber and David Wengrow, or the commotion almost typical of pop culture around the works of Yuval Noah Harari or James Suzman. Even if today no one is exempt from illuminating prehistory with the most colorful rear-projections of desirable states, a new look at the female part in the history of humanity would be beneficial not only for women.
Many stone remains found do not currently allow usable DNA to be extracted. However, the mosaic of gaps in the visibility of women still remains to be completed. In a strong and vital book called Forces of Nature: The Women who Changed Science , Americans Anna Reser and Leila McNeill argue that "rather than simply accepting that there are areas where women appear, we should ask why it is not possible to find them there and who denied them access.